Can Lemon Lower Blood Pressure immediately? My own Experience


Lemon's affect in lowering my blood pressure
Lemon's affect in lowering my blood pressure

In this article, I am going to share my own experience of using Lemon during my blood pressure in pregnancy and its affect in reducing my blood pressure.


In this article following information is present:- 

  1. Can Lemon Lower Blood Pressure immediately?
  2. How I used Lemon?
  3. By using Lemon, to what extent, my blood pressure got reduced?
  4. How much time did it take to normalize my blood pressure?
  5. After being normalized, for how long, my blood pressure remained normal?


In the first 5/6 months of my pregnancy,  though I had problem of high blood pressure but that was not too much high therefore, my Gynecologist did not take care of it seriously but after that, when after 5/6  months of my pregnancy, my blood pressure started shooting, my Gynecologist referred me to Medical Specialist to control my blood pressure.


My Doctors/ Medical Specialist had prescribed me many tablets like Aldomet, Labetalol and Adalat, effective for blood pressure reduction but still when despite of using these medicines, my blood pressure could not be properly controlled. Therefore, along with using above said medicines, I also used Lemon in drinking water and took it to lower my blood pressure. 


Because of my blood pressure problem, I used to keep number of lemons in my home so that same could be used in an emergency situation

My blood pressure was usually 140/110 mmHg and more than that. Some times, it rose upto 160/120 mmHg. Whenever, I felt headache and found my blood pressure high in BP monitoring device, I used to take Lemon mixed water.


How I used Lemon for my BP control? 

In just one glass of water of approx 200ml, I pore one or sometimes two Lemons in water without adding any thing else and drank it.  


Effect of lemon on Blood Pressure                            

After using Lemon Mix water detailed above, immediate I think within 5/10 minutes, it lowered my blood pressure and normalize it upto 120/80 mmHg.


After being normalized, for how long my blood pressure remained controlled? 

Although after using Lemon in water, my blood pressure got reduced immediately within 5/10  minutes but effect of it did not last longer and again in just couple of minutes, my blood pressure reverted to its  previous position i.e high blood pressure of 140/100 or whichever it was.


Conclusion as per my own experience 

At the end, I would say that that a Lemon can give relief a person with high blood pressure by lowering his/her blood pressure immediately for few minutes but it may not be effective for couple of hours.

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