My High Blood Pressure during pregnancy killed my new born baby | My story

High  Blood pressure is killer of my new born baby
High  Blood pressure is killer of my new born baby 

In this article, I will be explaining about my high blood pressure during my pregnancy which ultimately became the reason of death of my new born baby.


Before my pregnancy, just for 1 or 2 times, my blood pressure raised upto 170/120 mmHg (that too due to taking too much stress), but as an average my Blood pressure remained about normal.  


After being pregnant, my BP did not exceed too much and most of the time it remained elevated (little bit high).


On reaching 26th Week of my pregnancy, my Blood pressure further raised upto 140/109 mmHg. Feeling this being high and alarming Blood pressure, my Gynecologist directed me to visit Medical Specialist for controlling my Blood Pressure only.  Following is the photo of report of Gynecologist, showing weeks’ wise blood pressure during my pregnancy:-


My High Blood pressure in pregnancy weeks wise
My High Blood pressure in pregnancy weeks wise 

At 31st Week of pregnancy, my BP further raised to 150/112 mmHg hence same become more critical condition for me as well as for my baby.


Although, the Doctors have tried to control my blood pressure but same could not be controlled properly. To control my blood pressures, I was given medicines like Aldomaet and labetalol, though these medicines help me controlling my blood pressure to some extent but my BP was not satisfactorily controlled by these medicines. Click here to read my story of using medicines during pregnancy. 

I also remained admitted in hospital but same was of no avail with regard to controlling my BP. Following is one of the prescriptions of my Gynecologist, showing my high blood pressure and medicines prescribed to lower my blood pressure:-


My High Blood pressure and medicines prescribed
My High Blood pressure and medicines prescribed

My Gynecologist directed me to have Doppler Ultrasound taken. After the Doppler Ultrasound was taken, I was told that my baby was not growing well due to less supply of oxygen and nutrients to fetus (baby). In Doppler Ultrasound Report, the Doctor gave her finding as “Findings are suggestive of Severe Intra Uterine Growth Restriction. Following is my Doppler Ultrasound Report, showing severe Intra Uterine Grown Restriction.


During this period, my gynecologist had suggested me to have a preterm delivery but I did not accept it and wished to continue my pregnancy.


Later on my water bag got leaked and in an emergency, I was admitted in  hospital, where I had C section and gave birth to a preterm baby boy on 17th April 2022. Following is the photo of my new born baby of 1st day:-

Photo of my new born baby of 1st day 
Photo of my new born baby of 1st day 

Soon after his birth, my new born baby was shifted to NICU where he was kept under monitoring. Following is the photo of my baby in NICU of 02 days:-

Photo of my new born baby of 2 days in NICU
Photo of my new born baby of 2 days in NICU 

My newborn baby boy was not so much active he should have been like other babies.  Especially, I was very much concerned about the condition of his brain.  After some, my my baby's condition was getting worse.  Following is the photo of my new born baby of few days, when his condition was worsening day by day :-

Photo of my pre term new born baby's wherein his condition got worse
Photo of my pre term new born baby's wherein his condition got worse   

Due to worse condition of my baby, the doctors took blood test of my baby wherein, high level of bilirubin was found, due to which his blood was changed (blood transfusion) but of no avail. After few hours of changing of blood, the condition of my baby got severe and ultimately on 21st April 2022, my new born baby died leaving us in a sorrowful condition. Following is the death certificate of my new born baby. 

Death Certificate of my preterm baby
Death Certificate of my preterm baby

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