My own Bilirubin Test Report - Jaundice Report


Bilirubin Test Report
Report of Bilirubin Test  

Here, I have provided Bilirubin Test Report of my own newborn baby, who was born prematurely in 8th months of my pregnancy. The reason of premature delivery was my High Blood Pressure. Click here toknow how I got pregnant with PCOS?


As my baby was a premature baby, therefore risk of developing of high bilirubin was present in my baby’s blood. After the birth of my baby boy, he was kept under observation in same hospital where my baby was born.


After about 2 days of birth of my newborn baby, the doctors took test of bilirubin in blood of my baby but unfortunately, Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin and Indirect Bilirubin were very much high in blood of my baby. Detail of bilirubin test result is as under:-


Type of Bilirubin


Reference Range

Total Bilirubin

18.9 mg/dL

Upto 1.0 mg/dL

Conjugated Bilirubin

(Direct Bilirubin)

1.4 mg/dL

Upto 0.3 mg/dL

Un-conjugated Bilirubin

(Indirect Bilirubin)

17.5 mg/dL

Upto 0.8 mg/dL


Following is the bilirubin Test Report sample / my son’s Bilirubin Test Report:-


My sons's Bilirubin Test Report Sample
My sons's Bilirubin Test Report Sample 

Due to presence of high level of bilirubin, the doctors did blood transfusion but unfortunately severe reaction occurred, in which my baby lost his life. Click here toknow How High bilirubin caused the death of my baby?

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