Can stress cause PCOS symptoms?

How stress causes PCOS?
How stress causes PCOS?


In this article, I will explain whether pcos can be caused by stress and, if so, how stress can be one of the causes of PCOS both directly or indirectly?


Can Stress Cause PCOS symptoms? 

Yes, taking too much stress is very much dangerous thing for males as well as females. Stress and PCOS are interlinked with each other and stress can affect PCOS.

If females take too much stress, it would result in appearance of PCOS symptoms and such females may have to face fertility problems as well. It may be become difficult for such females/women to get pregnant easily. You can say it “stress induced PCOS. Click here to know How I got pregnant with PCOS.


Although, there are number of PCOS symptoms like having irregular periods, acne, unwanted hair, weight gain, darkening of skin, loss of necessary/ required hairs, growing of unwanted hairs etc but its not necessary that all the women of PCOS must have all the said symptoms. The number of symptoms of PCOS may very on female to female and may depend on the type of PCOS which a female is suffering from. Click here to know what were my PCOS symptoms.


How stress causes PCOS?

Not only the stress, there are bundle of other factors as well which can cause PCOS.  Chronic Stress can be said to be one of those factors which develops PCOS indirectly.


Though stress cannot directly cause PCOS but it can indirectly become the cause of PCOS because in stressful situation, increased level of cortisol (hormone) is released from Adrenal glands. 


Such increased Cortisol then disturb the balance of other hormones including insulin and androgen in women. Such disturbance of other hormone will lead to PCOS and its symptoms.


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