My own PCOS symptoms

My PCOS symptoms
Symptoms of my own PCOS

When I got married, neither I was aware of the word “PCOS” or “Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome” nor did I have any apparent symptoms of it but after few years of my marriage, PCOS symptoms started appearing on my body and I also started feeling these symptoms as well. In this article, I am going to discuss the detailed symptoms of PCOS which a woman may have. Besides, I will also discuss about the particular symptoms which I experienced and still experiencing. 


Usually, all the women with PCOS don’t feel same symptoms. The symptoms of PCOS in one woman may be different from symptoms in other woman and these symptoms may also be mild or severe. Furthermore, all the PCOS women do not start feeling or seeing such symptoms from the time of their very first periods and they may be diagnosed with PCOS at any later stage.  Following are the general symptoms of a PCOS a PCOS female may experience:-


1.                 Irregular periods or no periods

(Usually, a menstrual cycle is of 28 days, but may range from 21 to 35 days.  If your periods continues for more than 7 days or you are unsure about the date of your next menstrual cycle, you can say it that your periods are irregular. It becomes very difficult for a  woman with  irregular period to get  pregnant because she cannot predict when her ovulation will occur. Be noted its not hard and fast rule that woman with irregular period never gets pregnant . Still there is a possibility for woman with irregular periods can get pregnant. .


2.                 No Ovulation:

In females, number of follicles starts developing and maturing in ovaries, being influenced by hormones named as FSH (Follicle stimulating Hormones) and LH, which are released by Pituitary Glands in brain. Once these follicles reach at maturity stage, the dominant follicle releases a Mature Egg to be fertilized by male sperm. This process is called ovulation and therefore may cause pregnancy.

If a woman does not  ovulate (dont release mature egg), she cannot get pregnant.


3.                 Infertility 

(For married women, if no ovulation occurs in women, they will not get pregnant, hence will face infertility problems.


4.                 Polycystic Ovaries

(Polycystic Ovaries means that are multiple small cysts (fluid filled sacs on the surface of ovaries) consisting of immature follicles. These ovarian cysts may cause harmonal imbalance and irregular periods in woman). Be noted that all the woman with PCOS do not have Polycystic ovaries.


5.                 Increased Androgen levels

(It means that your body is producing excessive male hormone namely Androgen. Although, a normal woman produces this male hormone androgen but the production is in low quantity. However, in case of a PCOS woman, she produces male hormone androgen in high quantity)


6.                 Oily Skin

7.                 Acne

8.                 Skin Tags

9.                 Skin Darkening

10.             Excessive hair grown on unwanted body parts  

11.             Hair Loss from Head or thinning of hairs.

12.             Depression

13.             Headache and mood swing

14.            Weight Gain


Other severe symptoms/risks may also be developed in a PCOS woman.  These risks / symptoms are:-


1.                 Hypertension  (High Blood Pressure)

2.                 Pregnancy severe complications (premature birth or preeclampsia or miscarriage)

3.                 Sleep apnoea (The women with heavy weight may develop sleep apnoea, which causes disrupted breathing during their sleep)

4.                 Type 2 Diabetes

5.                 Mental issues

6.                 Hyperglycemia

7.                 Endometrial Cancer


So, if you are feeling any kind of these symptoms, you should not take it lightly because PCOS is a serious medical condition and which should be dealt with timely. Although, there is no permanent cure of PCOS but still there are some precautions, by adopting which, you can overcome the symptoms of PCOS. These steps/precautions include but not limited to life style changes, losing weight, dietary changes and taking medicines etc.



My PCOS symptoms before marriage


As I said earlier, that before marriage, I was not feeling any kind of symptoms from the symptoms as described above. Even, I was not experiencing any apparent symptoms like unwanted hair growth on my chin and some other parts of body.


My PCOS symptoms after marriage


After passing 11 months of my marriage, when I faced difficulty in getting pregnant, I visited number of gynecologists for my pregnancy. During my treatment, I was diagnosed with PCOS. After long term struggling for getting pregnant, at last about 9 years after my marriage, I got pregnant with PCOS and gave birth to a baby body but unfortunately, he could not survive and lost his life. Click here to know how my high blood pressure killed my new bornbaby


Although, I don’t know the exact cause of my PCOS but the reason may be my life style change after my marriage, my increased depression because I had to live alone and my stress increased with the passage of time when despite of making hectic efforts I could not get pregnant and my non pregnancy was due to imbalance of my hormones.


Anyhow, the symptoms during my PCOS life which I felt or saw are as follows:


1.                 I got depressed too much and mood started swinging

2.                 I started feeling fatigue with no heavy work  

3.                 Sometimes, I felt breathing problems and my heart started beating fastly (might be because of using medicines for treatment of pregnancy)

4.                 Unwanted hairs started developing on my chin.

5.                 My skin was getting oily.

6.                 My head hairs started losing.

7.                 Initially my periods were irregular and sometimes delayed for 15 days only.

8.                 My periods were for 2/3 days only and that too in low quantity.

9.                 My blood pressure started increasing. After my pregnancy, for one time my Blood pressure even reached to about 180/120  (which caused insufficient blood supply to my baby during my pregnancy---Click here to know how my high blood pressurekilled my new born baby

10.             Poly Cysts had been developing in my ovaries.

11.             My sleep was disturbed


 (Note: During this period, I never missed my periods for one whole month. The period days be irregularly. After birth and death of my baby boy, still I am facing above said symptoms of PCOS).




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