I am a PCOS patient, shared the stories (with
medical reports) of my own successful pregnancy, high blood pressure during
pregnancy, medicines I used during pregnancy to control my high blood
pressure, how I gave birth to a baby boy
(preterm) and how his death took place.
Besides, information about high bilirubin found in the
blood of my new born baby and many other
information like hormonal imbalances, types of PCOS, how to identify each type
of PCOS like Insulin Resistant PCOS, Post Pill PCOS, Adrenal PCOS, Inflammatory
PCOS has also been provided here.
Here, treatment of PCOS, diet
for PCOS females, exercises for PCOS have also been discussed.
Semen Test report sample, Ultrasound Report sample,
Doppler Ultrasound Report sample, Urine Test report sample, bilirubin Test
Report and many other reports/ samples has also been shared.